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How to Revise Your Novel Manuscript Feb 18, 2021

Post written by Katie Wall.

Well, you've completed drafting your manuscript and are now faced with...

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Recommended Resource: The Creative Writerā€™s Toolbelt (Handbook) Feb 04, 2021

Post written by Katie Wall. This post contains an affiliate link. This means if you click...

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Why Do You Write? Jan 28, 2021

Post written by Katie Wall.

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to...

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Are You Living, Or Existing? Jan 15, 2021

Post written by Katie Wall.

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is...

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Recommended Resource: Scrivener Jan 05, 2021

Post written by Katie Wall. This post contains an affiliate link. This means if you click on the...

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Which Editing Service Does My Manuscript Need? Dec 31, 2020

Post written by Katie Wall.

As a book coach and editor, I often help writers figure out what kind...

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